Macdonald Minor Ball - Softball Team Formation Policy

Feb. 05, 2025

MMBA Softball Team Formation Policy 2025


Macdonald Minor Softball forms “A” Teams that participate in the Winnipeg South West Youth Softball League. The primary focus of the “A” Leagues is fun, skill development and participation. “A” League players often have a practice and two games per week.

Age Convenors

Each age division will have an Age Division Convenor who is responsible for working with the softball committee to form teams. Age Convenors should not have a child playing softball at the level for which they are the Convenor. Convenors should have both softball experience, as well as organizational and problem solving skills.


With the exception of U9, optimal roster size for all teams is generally 12 players per team.

U9 - minimum of 8, maximum of 10 players

U11/U13/U15/U17 - minimum of 10 players, maximum of 14 players

U19 - minimum of 10 players, maximum of 15 players

Team Formation


The Age Convenor and softball committee will seek to create teams that are balanced and, when numbers allow, community-based. For communities that have more than one team, balance is created by having a mix of younger and older players on each team.


The Age Convenor will work with head coaches to create balanced teams. Home communities, experience levels, defensive positions (e.g. pitchers or catchers), coaching staff and other factors may be considered. The primary goal will be to create teams that are balanced at the beginning of the season. That being said, it should be recognized that teams will develop and improve at different rates throughout the season.

The following sequential process is generally used to create balanced teams:

1) Coaches - A head coach and one (sometimes more) assistant coaches are established with help from the Age Convenor and softball committee. Players whose parents are coaches are then placed on the team. Note - the majority of the time, teams are hosted in the community where the head coach resides, while factoring in diamond availability.

2) Pitchers - Minimum of 2, preferably 3-4, are designated to each team. Every team should have a balance of pitching depth.

3) Catchers - Minimum of 1, preferably 2-3 are designated to each team.

4) Players - Complete the roster with players to achieve desired roster size.

The goal is to finalize rosters by the 3rd week of April so that team practices can be scheduled.

Age Advancement: Players are expected to play in the age category that suits their birth year. Age advancement requests may be granted at the discretion of the softball committee when numbers allow.    


Macdonald Minor Softball Teams are all eligible to participate in “A” Provincials. “A” Provincials are usually hosted during the first 3 weeks of July, depending on age level. Provincials are considered part of the softball season therefore all Macdonald Softball teams are expected to enter. Coaches will be responsible for registering their team for provincials.  If necessary, teams may combine or pick-up players from teams that are not entered in order to have enough for the weekend.

Any questions can be directed to the respective Age Convenor or to the Macdonald Vice President of Softball.






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