U19 Softball Information and Rules

U19 Softball


  • In U19 Softball, players are divided into teams of a minimum of 12 players. There are 9 players on the field. This is an age group of children who are 19 or under by December 31.
  • An inning is 3 fielding outs.
  • Game scores are kept and recorded on the WSWYSA website, and there is 1 umpire.
  • a team jersey and a team hat are provided prior to the season.



The softball season begins in very late April, weather permitting. Teams play two games per week, on Monday & Wednesday and usually practice an additional one day per week, at the coach’s discretion. Games do get rained out, and coaches try to schedule make-up games, typically on a weekend.  So, some weeks you may play three games, or on unusual nights.  Games begin at 7:00 p.m., but coaches want players to arrive 30-60 minutes early for a pre-game warm-up. Typically, U19 games are finished by around 9:00 p.m.  Macdonald plays in the Winnipeg South West Youth Softball Association League.  The league will finish play by mid July with the team’s option to participate in various weekend tournaments and provincials, with the registration fees to be paid by the team. 



Please refer to Macdonald Minor Ball Softball Team Formation Policy here: http://www.macdonaldminorball.ca/content/softball-registration

Equipment You Need to Provide

  • ball glove
  • batting helmet with working chin strap and cage
  • official softball bat*
  • water bottle labelled with the player’s name
  • black ball pants are required

*If you are purchasing a bat, length and weight vary depending on size and strength of the player.   Kahunaverse (formerly Home Run Sports), offers 10% off the regular price of bats to players from Macdonald Minor Ball.  The staff will help guide you in the direction of best bat size for your child.



  1. All games start at 7:00 PM with a 15 minute grace period for late arrivals. 2 The maximum number of innings is seven (7).
  2. No game may go beyond 9:00 PM except to finish an inning. Umpire’s decision is final when calling a game for darkness.
  3. The minimum number of players required to play a game is eight (8). Not in effect in Provincials (must have 9 players). PLAY WITH 7 PLAYERS AND BORROW FROM THE OTHER TEAM
  4. The defensive team shall consist of a maximum of nine (9) players on the field.
  5. The "Infield Fly Rule" is in effect.
  6. The Mercy Rule” is in effect as follows: 16.5 In all seven (7) inning games, a ten (10) run mercy rule will be in effect after 4 1/2 or five (5) innings; in five (5) inning games a ten (10) run mercy rule will be in effect after 2 1/2 or three (3) innings, in League and playoff games. The game is officially over if this occurs.
  7. All players will appear on the batting order (whether they are in the field defensively or not). Eg. if 15 players show up for a game, all 15 go on the batting order and bat in turn.
  8. Pitching distance - 43 ft Baselines - 60 ft
  9. The dropped third strike rule is in effect.
  10. Windmill pitching is permitted.
  11. Players are required to wear a batting helmet, complete with an approved mask when batting and/or running.
  12. In the event a player is injured during the game and is unable to take their turn at bat, the player will be removed from the batting order and out for the balance of the game, unless the player’s coach announces that the player will be able to continue to play prior to the team’s next at bat.

Upcoming Events

Mar. 15, 2025 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

11U Baseball Evaluations
Caisse Community Centre

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Mar. 16, 2025 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

11U Baseball Evaluations
Home Run Training Centre

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Apr. 12, 2025 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

13U Baseball Evaluations
Home Run Training Centre

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